Panic Trim
Pamex Pamex E9000 Lever Trim
E9000 HEAVY DUTY ESCUTCHEON LEVER TRIM Model: E9000 DESCRIPTION: Heavy duty lever with escutcheon Door thickness: 1-¾” to 2” standard Overall size: 2-15/16” x 8-27/32” Keyway: 6-pin SC standard, available in 5-pin SC, 5-pin KW and SFIC Best A2 Available in Entry, Storeroom, Passage and Dummy functions Available in three lever styles, L3, LH and LN Electrification trims available (see Electrified Hardware section) Compatible only with Pamex E9000 devices
Cal Royal Cal Royal THP4400 Panic Trim
Thumb Piece Trim Compatible with Cal Royal 4400 Series Exit Device THP4400 or ICTHP4400 or ICSCTHP4400 - ENTRANCE Key locks or unlocks thumbpiece. Operates as classroom function. ANSI Function - 63 THP4430 - PASSAGE Trim always operable and free ANSI Function - 63
Cal Royal Cal Royal ESC4400 Panic Trim
Escutcheon Lever Trim Compatible with Cal Royal 4400 Series Exit Device Rigid, non clutch mechanism. Thrubolted design. Non-handed design. Easily field reversible. Hardened steel heavy duty tailpiece. ESC4400 or ICESC4400 or ICSCESC4400 - ENTRANCE Rigid Entrance, key locks or unlocks escutcheon trim. Operates as classroom function. ANSI Function - 63 ESC4430 - PASSAGE Trim always operable and free ANSI Function - 62 ESC4440 - DUMMY Dummy Escutcheon trim ANSI Function - 10